Aquarian Leadership
Just as Earth is in a movement around our sun, our sun is in a movement in connection with the rest of the universe. Roughly every 2,500 years the sun moves from one zodiac influence to another. The sun then beams this influence onto Earth which dictates how life on Earth looks and the rules by which thriving (and surviving) function.
Currently, the sun is making its transition from its Piscean position towards its Aquarian influence - leading us on Earth into what is popularly phrased as the Aquarian Age.
This epic time on Earth comes with an increased demand for a new level of intelligence that is embodied, connected, and intuitively discerning.
In order to fully own your power as a creator of reality and participate in the shaping of our future, you must learn about the scope of your conscious vs. subconscious mind, enlist your physical body as your guiding resource, and strengthen your spirit. This initiates the leader within you to carve a unique path that will fulfill your potential.
We are evolving at an ever more rapid rate and the leader you are waiting for is you.
You have the power. You just have to heal what's in the way and deeply connect to the source within you.
Aquarian Leadership is for you if:
Grace, balance, and conscious creation come from the mastery of maintaining equal awareness in what you're letting go of to what you're activating. You cannot sustain growth if you hold on or clamp down. You have to practice the precision art of subtle movement in body, mind, and spirit to step into leadership in the Aquarian Age.
I started dancing when I was three. At sixteen I was recruited by American Ballet Theatre and began my professional career. A few years later I discovered Hellerwork Structural Integration and made my way back from physical, mental, and emotional injury to finish my career with a starring role on Broadway.
Fascinated with body psychology and the profoundly transformational portal the physical body is for growth and evolution, I dove into a full time practice facilitating others while continuing my education, personal healing, and transformation.
Eventually, all the pieces of my education and experience came together to create a unique type of coaching that facilitates the mind into the body, empowers my clients with the tools and practices to change themselves and their life from the inside out, and strengthens their capacity to hold, process, and move greater amounts of energy with remarkable ease, grace, and mastery.
Fulfilling your potential requires a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach.
Deep self-awareness and training the mind into the body builds your capacity to hold more information while consciously choosing your direction in present time.
When your knowledge and wisdom become embodied, your actions originate from a profound internal connection. This alignment empowers you to live your truth, bring your desires to manifestation, rapidly evolve your consciousness, and lead the edge of our evolution.
The body is where the navigation system lies. It's how you stay on course for your highest destiny of leadership and legacy. The portal of transformation resides within the physical body and it is the way you learn the truth of who you are and what you're here to do. Training the mind into the body is a spiritual experience and when there is integration of all parts you are funtioning at a different frequency, capable of creating change at an accelerated rate.
including 2 months of Integration Coaching
Where: Taos, New Mexico
When: TBD
Discover the Deeper Truth about your Power and Owning It.
It's not about right, wrong, good, or bad - in fact those ideas and judgements are just a fabrication of the ego mind and don't exist when in alignment with spiritual law - but, it is about consciousness. The level to which your mind resides within your body directly relates to the level of empowerment you feel in being the creator of your life experience.
Bringing personal stories of reclamation and decades of experience helping other women come into power, Faye reveals with wit and wisdom the incredibly powerful subtlety of healthy, honest, unleashed femininity.
1. Understand where power actually lies and the role femininity plays in our evolutionary process
2. Discover the leadership mission as a midwife of the Aquarian Age
3. Embody the subtle breathing pattern to unlock your feminine power
In this signature talk, Faye inspires audience members to reclaim their birthright as leaders of this new era through a deepened connection to self and the embodiment of their power
1. Learn the core principles of the Aquarian Age
2. Discover how to plug into the power within
3. Re-embody the lost identity of leadership as an individual
In this popular workshop, Faye teaches mind and body precision techniques that build stability for accelerated and sustainable growth while empowering individuals with a strong sense of calm, confidence. and communication
1. Gain skillful articulation for improved communication
2. Deepened connection to your authenticity
3. Gain strength in the way you voice your movements
Old world leadership is hyper-focused on managing people. While relationship with others is important, it is only half the story of leadership. The spiritual truth is, you are the other. When you become devoted to your highest mission on the planet, you are in service to humanity and all that are within the fabric of it's existence. Leadership is about getting beyond yourself to a divine purpose and calling. If you get stuck on the 'other' you are actually still stuck on yourself, because, 'the other' is you.
A Community of Aquarian Leaders
"Step into the fire of transformation. This fire will not burn you, it will only burn what you are not."
In this article I (vulnerably) share my opinions about the space of transformation and what it take to up-level your experience of life.
Well, 2025 has certainly begun with notable flair. Los Angeles is experiencing one of the most intense and challenging transformations we’ve ever witnessed. I am holding the sadness, fear, devastation, and shock in my heart, and beaming back love, clarity, and empowerment to all the beings a part of it.
I've used the element of fire often, both for my personal transformation and in ceremonial spaces. Fire is an intense transformer—swift and indifferent to your feelings as it performs its work.
We are simply along for the ride and cannot control the transformation that’s happening.
Discussions around plant medicines seem timely, particularly due to their essence of relinquishing control and embracing transformation. Yet, much of the conversation about those engaging with plant medicines centers on controlling the experience.
From legalization and the FDA to newly awakened individuals who have found incredible transformation through their relationships with the plants AND the hardships they've endured (as part of the process) and now wish to shield others from the difficult aspects, sometimes thinking they’ve found a "better," "safer" way to do it.
To be transparent, I have engaged in psychotropic medicines since early 2018. Without much knowledge but trusting others' guidance, I dived into the deep end with the Grandmother Plant for ten consecutive days with a renowned Shaman in Peru.
Following that, I explored various other sacred medicines in deeply ceremonial settings to continue my healing, growth, and perspective shift.
Throughout these experiences, I’ve encountered both incredible and horrific moments. I've seen the most demonic behavior and felt the grace of God. None of it was inherently good or bad—I simply learned A LOT.
In the plant medicine space, the concern about “not going too fast” can seem controlling to me. I went fast, and I wouldn’t change it. Was it painful? Yes. Were there moments I feared for my life? Absolutely. But I was already in considerable pain, which propelled me to confront myself to begin with. Was I willing to risk everything to release the pain? Yes!
I’m not suggesting that my experience should happen to others, but rather what I did with it holds value.
As more individuals enter this space and awareness grows, the unknowns may diminish. However, your level of self-awareness dictates the unknowns you face—only by beginning can you start educating yourself.
I believe in the importance of preparatory training and knowing your power before entering the space. Another popular discussion involves ensuring “proper guardians” are protecting the space.
Although it’s important to feel aligned with who you’re working with, putting too much power into the facilitator's hands is backwards, to me. You must ensure you are the proper guardian of your space before engaging with the medicine. If you aren’t and find yourself in trouble (as did I), then accept that it’s still precisely what you needed to evolve into the person you’re meant to become. This might sound harsh, but in spiritual terms, there’s no right, wrong, good, or bad—judgment stems from the ego. If you truly wish to grow and become the most liberated, alive version of yourself, you must relinquish control and embrace what you receive. Continue to seek the teachings, teachers, and experiences that empower you with the wisdom of your inherent knowing.
You have to be willing to let go, to embrace transformation, and also to fight for your evolution after experiencing metaphorical death.
Our problems aren’t individual but collective and systemic. Our society, infrastructure, and the world’s toxicity are the true issues—not just personal finance, depression, or relationships. Yet, this drives us towards psychedelics—in a quest to feel better, more empowered, and loved. But if masses are seeking healing only to return to systemic and collective toxicity, not enough changes.
To elevate your life, you must alter your internal reality. You have to do the WORK of transformation AFTER the ceremony.
Herein lies the catalyst for personal and global change: when you initiate a significant internal transformation, whether through a psychedelic experience or even surgery, you must energetically embody this new version of yourself—walk differently, approach every aspect of life as the person you are becoming, not who you have been.
As we release the internal systems that keep us bonded to a reality we aim to evolve past—war, inequity, racism, colonialism, corporate domination—we must undertake a relinquishing process of our attachments and entitled comforts to achieve this. There is nothing wrong or fearful about this... In fact, why not let the fire of transformation rip through you, destroy the internalized system holding you back, and rebuild yourself and our collective reality from a clearer, more grounded, and empowered foundation, aiming for your (and humanity’s) greatest potential and highest destiny?
Growth is growth. Don’t be overly concerned with perfection, for it won't be, but it will be exactly what you and humanity need. Trust.
art work by Alex Grey
and MELCHIZEDEK HALLELUYAH (מלכיצדק הללויה)
written by Faye Laroux
First, we meet for a consultation to see if I am a good fit as your coach, and if you are a good fit for my program of work. If we decide to move forward, the minimum commitment is 6 months of weekly 1:1 meetings with homework between, but mostly I coach by the year. Having a year together really steers you into a whole different way of thinking and moving through life, so that you'll be in a completely different place and quite comfortable keeping up the lifestyle [ractices to continue your accelerated growth, leadership, and manifestation process.
The first few months of our work together will involve a lot of learning on how the mind, reality and relationship work, what you have to do to make changes in your experience, and the practices to apply to start the process. It's a bit of an immersion and an intensive. This phase also initiates a big release through the whole system enabling you to let go of what's holding you back and expanding your capacity to hold a higher frequency within the system. After that it's a precision game of getting more masterful at using the tools to keep accelerating your growth, transforming your experience, and consciously creating.
Can I book a single session?
Yes. If you're interested in one-off sessions the first thing to do is schedule your consultation, from there, if it feels like a good fit you will receive a link to schedule a single session.
Yes. There are a variety of ways that you can participate in the work I'm doing. If you haven't already, join our newsletter to stay informed on all the things we're cooking up this year!
Based: Northern New Mexico
Call 505.886.1666